Jesus said in Matthew 28:19 "Go... make disciples of all nations...".
Through OSL Missions Trips we take the life changing power of God’s
word, packaged in Operation Solid Lives all around the world!
Be a part of an OSL Missions Team and experience the joy of
resourcing pastors and leaders with tools and training to disciple
their local congregations. You must be 18 or older, and a graduate
of at least Level 1 and 2.
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Rock Home Satellites are extensions of The Rock that meet in home
and other locations and participate in weekly services, OSL
discipleship, Rock Groups and the overall life of the church.
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SOLID LIFE GROUPS consist of three or more people who gather in
homes, workplaces, or any place including online venues to grow in
their knowledge of the word of God and its practical application.
Jerry Dirmann Ministries provides small group studies, OSL small
group kits, and other resources to equip and support these groups.
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Young Adult Opportunities
This is not your typical Holy Land Tour. This is a mind-stretching,
soul-stirring and paradigm-shifting adventure through the land of
Israel specifically designed to awaken young adults, ages 18-29, to
spiritual reality and ignite in them a purpose and passion to
fulfill their own ministry callings.
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Be a part of a 3-day experience to equip and mobilize young adults,
18-29 years old. With a unique combination of empowerment,
fellowship, and fun Rock’d is specifically designed to be an
encounter with God and to expose young adults to opportunities to
change the world.
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